Today and tomorrow, I am attending an EFT workshop with Garland Landrith whose research was cited in "What the Bleep do we Know?" I have attended EFT workshops before and his was similar, but his procedure is a bit different from the others.

What struck me (again) was how wonderful EFT is. It is so much faster and less intrusive than talk therapy and can reduce or eliminate physical concerns too. People who have suffered from conditions for 10, 20 or 30 years can see significant changes in just a few EFT sessions. Each session is just a few minutes long - as little as 10 minutes and not usually more than an hour.

Everyone has access to EFT through Gary Craig offers EFT to the world through his website free of charge because he knows that it can help people and wants to make a positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of the people in the US and the world.

If you are under medical care, please consult with your physician before using EFT or any other alternative modality.