Being a professional athlete, my body endures a lot of wear and tear and the risk of injury is very prevalent. However, there are various medical options given to me that will insure that I stay healthy and able to perform throughout the season. Unfortunately some medical treatments require surgery or the use of many injections to take away the pain during a game.

Through my Reiki Healing Sessions with Reiki Master, Suzan Iscil, I was introduced to much faster healing of my nagging injuries, bumps and bruises that allowed me to get back on the field and stay healthy during the season without having to have corrective surgery or numerous pain killing injections. Through Reiki Therapy I was able to not only stay injury free during the season but my energy was restored to a high and healthy level even during my off-season. Now I strongly recommend using Reiki Therapy for not only athletes but also for non-athletes as a great way to alleviate pains from nagging injuries to minor aches and headaches.