From clients who attended the 4th Annual Retreat for Personal Balance

1) I have been thinking a lot about you & this past weekend's experiences. It truly was a miracle weekend. I could never have foretold the changes. I am such a different person, very level right now & not stressed....which is not my normal stance. I am taking each day in stride & noticing what others say do not seem to have much effect on my emotional well being. I am very happy & content. Peaceful bliss. I truly appreciate all the assistance you & all the practitioners gave me, I learned so much about myself. Thank you very much for your message & I am surely going to enjoy my life much more without all that emotional baggage.

I am so much more centered & I owe it to me, you, everyone & all that is, for we are ONE-- one life, one love, one celestial ball of soul energy in these human bodies. - This attendee traveled from Arizona for the retreat

2) This was my first retreat ever and it was exhilarating! Suzan went out of her way to accomodate everyone's needs. All the presenters were excellent! I love the fact that I was in a safe environment with people of all specialties. This was a huge sense of security for me knowing nothing bad was going to happen.