15th Annual Retreat for Personal Balance - 10/18/2024-10/20/2024

Are you needing a break? Do we have the answer for you! This life-changing weekend is just what you need! Get away, leave cell phones and computers behind and just enjoy peace and relaxation from Friday night through Sunday. We are accepting registration and deposits.

This is a not-for-profit event. Participants share the cost of the house, meals and materials and all practitioners volunteer to support this amazing event!

Although many people are local, we would like everyone to stay in the group setting for the entire weekend. Food will be vegetarian in nature. Sessions may include Meditation,  Sound Healing, Shaman led ceremony, Hypnosis, Chakra Dance, Exploring Intuition, Oneness Blessing, Drumming and more…

This incredible opportunity is offered at  fabulous price and includes all sessions, room, meals, presentations and material!

When: Friday, October 18 - Sunday, October 20

Where: A 2nd row house in Sandbridge

Cost: $275 per person for a shared room (2 beds-you will have a roommate) – includes room, meals, presentations and materials - 2 spots available

$325 per person for a single room (1 bed) - includes room, meals, presentations and materials - add friends or family to your room for additional $100per person  - 0 spots available - sold out

Commuter Pass $225

A $50 deposit is refundable through September 1. A $100 payment is due by September 1st and the remainder is due by October 1st. Payments are non-refundable after September 1st unless we find someone to take your place at the retreat. NO refunds will be made after October 1st for any reason as this event is not-for-profit.

*We will have hurricane insurance to cover the rental


Retreat Deposit and Payments
  • Reiki Client

    I have been a client of Suzan's for just over 2 years. During that time, I have experienced tremendous physical healing from a debilitating headache that had...

    Read more: Reiki Client